What can be done about prenatal stress?

 Physiological Psychology

Part I.

1. Open an Internet search engine.

2. Search for and view the following video: “Man without a Memory- Clive Wearing.”

3. Address, in 140 words How do you explain Clive’s loss of memory for most things, despite his lasting memory for his wife and the piano?

Part II.

Answer each discussion question, must be between 150-300 words. Please use scholarly references.

Section 1

1. From an evolutionary perspective, short-term exposure to stress is adaptive and necessary for survival. Unfortunately, long-term exposure to stress is considered maladaptive, yet common, in Western society. Describe some  adaptive  effects short-term stress   has   on the brain  versus some  maladaptive  effects long-term stress has  on the brain   based on the scholarly literature. Thus, for this question, you should be looking at stress with regard to physiological functioning.

2. Other interesting studies on how long-term stress can affect memory functioning?

3. What can be done about prenatal stress? Should we somehow cushion pregnant mothers, so they experience less stress? Not much can be done about stressors such as natural disasters or war. Depression and anxiety in the mother has also been found to stimulate the biological stress pathways. Perhaps we can be more aware of how these conditions can potentially affect the developing fetus and treat these conditions, but medications may also be harmful for the fetus.

Section 2

4. Provide one example of a learning disorder as classified in the DSM5 (these are different from the behavioral disorders listed in the manual)? Describe the specific disorder you have selected (presentation, symptoms). How might a clinician evaluate for this disorder (what methods or instruments would be used)?

5. Provide an additional example of a learning disorder as classified in the DSM5 (these are different from the behavioral disorders listed in the manual)? Describe the specific disorder you have selected (presentation, symptoms). How might a clinician evaluate for this disorder (what methods or instruments would be used)?

6 Provide an example of a memory disorder as classified in the DSM 5? Describe the specific disorders you have selected (presentation, symptoms). How might a clinician evaluate for this disorder (what methods or instruments would be used)?

Section 3

For this section, please read the attached articles and answer 1 question for each article and or 1 article and answer 2 questions from the listing below:

Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs:

1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

3. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.gical Psychology

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