Describe how Betty Neuman theory (Neuman’s Systems Model, the nurse’s role is to keep the system’s stability by using three levels of prevention) can be integrated into fall (When somebody fall) prevention program at a healthcare institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.).

Describe how Betty Neuman theory (Neuman’s Systems Model, the nurse’s role is to keep the system’s stability by using three levels of prevention) can be integrated into fall (When somebody fall) prevention program at a healthcare institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.).

Describe how Betty Neuman theory (Neuman’s Systems Model, the nurse’s role is to keep the system’s stability by using three levels of prevention) can be integrated into fall (When somebody fall) prevention program at a healthcare institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.). This is an action plan.
Give concrete examples of how the theory would be integrating the fall prevention program (e.g., assessment guide) and what outcomes could be measured as a result of the implementation of this theory.
Conclusion: Contrast current practice of fall prevention with what would take place if the theory were guiding the practice.
APA format


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The post Describe how Betty Neuman theory (Neuman’s Systems Model, the nurse’s role is to keep the system’s stability by using three levels of prevention) can be integrated into fall (When somebody fall) prevention program at a healthcare institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.). appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Which of the three funding measures, considering the relative financial contributions it imposes on individuals such as these, would you support and why?

Which of the three funding measures, considering the relative financial contributions it imposes on individuals such as these, would you support and why?

You are a member of a presidential commission appointed to consider a mandatory national health insurance plan and the question of how to fund the plan is being discussed.

Specifically, three separate options are being considered to generate an average of $4,000 per worker—a flat mandatory premium, a doubling of the current 7.65% payroll tax that comes out of people’s pay to cover social security and Medicare, and a 7% increase in income tax.

Think about funding plans from the perspective of three workers:

One who makes $25,000 per year
One who makes the same in salary but also has $1,000 in investment income
One who makes $85,000 per year, including $10,000 in investment income
Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions:

Which of the three funding measures, considering the relative financial contributions it imposes on individuals such as these, would you support and why?
How has the emergence of different types of health insurance plans—FFS, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and capitation—affected the trends in healthcare services today?
What economic and societal factors affect the demand and pricing of healthcare services in today’s health insurance market?
Science homework help


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What effect do state/governmental policies have on patients with schizophrenia? Vulnerable Populations Presentations

What effect do state/governmental policies have on patients with schizophrenia?
Vulnerable Populations Presentations

What effect do state/governmental policies have on this health disparity? What more could/should they do to alleviate the problem? vulnerable population is patients with schizophrenia.


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Recall the components of PICOT from your research course: (P) Population of Focus (I) Intervention (C) Comparison (O) Outcome (T) Time Identify each of the components in relation to your topic.

Order Details/Description

Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and that support the proposed solution. Eight of the 15 articles must be research-based (e.g., a study which is qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or longitudinal).

Hint: Begin your search for literature by utilizing the databases with articles related to your PICO topic

Preview each of the 15 articles chosen by reading the article abstracts and summaries.

Hint: Article abstracts and summaries provide a concise description of the topic, research outcomes, and significance of findings.

Hint: Refer to “Topic 1: Checklist.”

Perform a rapid brief appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):
1.How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?
2.Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?
3.What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?
4.Does each article support your proposed change?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines

Due Date: Jan 25, 2015 17:00 EST

Please remember to choose articles related to the PICO topic. I have include a attachment which identifies the PICO topic. These 15 articles will be used in future related assignments towards Nursing Capstone Project that I will order .

NRS-441V: Capstone Project

Developing a Question

Recall the components of PICOT from your research course:

(P) Population of Focus

(I) Intervention

(C) Comparison

(O) Outcome

(T) Time

Identify each of the components in relation to your topic.

In drug addicted patients how does non-pharmacological pain intervention compared with pain management with opioids affect relieving pain and preventing relapse?

“According to the recent Institute of Medicine Report on Pain, 100 million Americans suffer from pain” (American academy of pain medicine, 2013). Pain is the most sought out reason to see a physician and costs the united states more than half a trillion dollars a year, and it is still frequently treated incorrectly. In recent years healthcare professionals and lawmakers have been interested in developing better pain therapy to reduce drug diversion and addiction.

Then, develop a PICO question/statement.

P –In drug addicted patients

I –how does non-pharmacological pain intervention

C –compared with pain management with opioids

O –affect relieving pain and Preventing relapse?


American academy of pain medicine. “Use of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain”. 2013.

Topic 1: Checklist

Identifying a Problem, Developing a Question, and Selecting Sources of Literature


This checklist is designed to help students organize the weekly exercises/assignments to be completed as preparation for the final, capstone project proposal. This checklist will also serve as a communication tool between students and faculty. Comments, feedback and grading for modules 1-4 will be documented using this checklist.

Topic Task Completed Comments/Feedback Points
Identifying a

Explains setting and/or context in which nursing problem is observed.
_____ / 10

Detailed description of problem, issue, or educational deficit provided.
_____ / 10

Impact of problem on work environment and patient outcomes described.

_____ / 5

Significance to nursing profession discussed.
_____ / 5

Solution to the problem identified.

_____ / 10
Total _____ / 40
Developing a Question
Identified components of PICOT:
P – Population of Focus

I – Intervention

C – Comparison

O – Outcome


_____ / 30

Developed PICO question/statement.
_____ / 10
Total _____ / 40
Selecting Sources of Literature
Rapid Appraisal Performed (see below) on a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles.
_____ / 100
Total _____ / 100

Rapid Appraisal

Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):

How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?
Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?
Example(s): morbidity, mortality, rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population.
Does each article support your proposed change?


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The post Recall the components of PICOT from your research course: (P) Population of Focus (I) Intervention (C) Comparison (O) Outcome (T) Time Identify each of the components in relation to your topic. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Write an essay about the differences between heterogeneous grouping and ability grouping in reading.

Write an essay about the differences between heterogeneous grouping and ability grouping in reading.


DQ 1
My topic is about the differences between heterogeneous grouping and ability grouping in reading. For decades, educators have been informed of different approaches regarding student grouping. Past teaching strategies encouraged teachers to have ability grouping because the strategy was developed to assist students learn at their capability levels. Further research began to change the approach because theorists like Vygotsky proved that children learn best when interacting with one another (Burger, 2005). Paige’s theory also shows that children’s language development strengthens as they interact with each other, and cognitive development reaches higher level by social interaction (Fisher, 1980).

Therefore, various studies related to student grouping have been accomplished, yet different results have been concluded. For instance, Matthews, Ritchotte, and McBee (2013) found out that cluster grouping organized schoolwide has null effects for higher students’ academic development or lower performing students’ achievement; in the study neither group showed that cluster grouping helped improve their academic status. Additionally, past studies by Kulik, C. and Kulic J. (1982) had concluded after 52 studies that ability grouping showed small significance on achievement and high school examination for students who were in grade level classes, but ability grouping proved to have more positive effects for students who were enrolled in honors classes due to the enriched instruction.

As for elementary students, studies by Slavin (1987) concluded that students benefited from inclusion, and that ability groping should not take place for more than one or two subjects daily. Slavin (1987) discussed the benefits of heterogeneous grouping within class activities, and that this type of grouping allows students to interact and discuss concepts, creating social interactions (supports Vygotsky’s and piaget’s theories). Views on ability grouping vary between elementary and secondary. There are more benefits to ability grouping within the classroom then complete ability segregation. Later studies in 2013 showed that ability grouping by isolation did not show benefits to neither higher level or at level groups. On the other hand, older studies had shown that higher level students had benefitted from the class ability grouping.

Berger, M. (2005). Vygotsky’s theory of concept formation and mathematics education.

International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 2, 153-160. Retrieved from

Fisher, K. (1980). A theory of cognitive development: The control and construction of hierarchies of skills. American Psychological Association, Vol. 87(6), 477-531, November 1980. Retrieved from

Kulik, C.L, and Kulik, J.A. (1982). Effects of ability grouping on secondary school students: A meta-analysis of evaluation findings. American Educational Research Journal, January 1, 1982. Retrieved from

Matthews, M.S., Ritchotte, J.A., and McBee, M.T. (2013). Effects of schoolwide cluster

grouping and within ability grouping on elementary school students’ academic achievement growth. Routledge Journals, 24(2) 81-97, December 1, 2013. Retrieved from

Slavin, R. (1987). Ability grouping and student achievement in elementary schools: A best-evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research, September 1987. Retrieved from


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Explain the benefits to interprofessional research collaboration to improve patient health outcomes. The writer believes collaborative research is vital to the successful collection of information and implementation of changes to current practice.

Explain the benefits to interprofessional research collaboration to improve patient health outcomes.
The writer believes collaborative research is vital to the successful collection of information and implementation of changes to current practice.

150 words 1 reference nursing journals within 5 years response to a peer DB
Identify a clinical problem within the nurses practice setting related to patient care.
In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) there are many opportunities for skin breakdown. Because the patients are babies unable to control their bodily function they wear diapers. As a result the babies are at risk for skin breakdown. This skin breakdown if left untreated may result in infection. Skin breakdown may also occur if the babies are not repositioned infrequent changes of the oxygen saturation probe and/or electrodes. However the greatest risk for skin breakdown is diaper rash.
Develop a research question utilizing the PICO format.
The PICO format is a research method; which stands for patient or population of interest intervention control or comparison and outcome of Interest (p. 1).
P Skin breakdown in neonates
I Frequent skin assessments proper cleaning of skin with diaper changes and placement of protective barrier/occlusive ointment.
C Assessmentof skinknowledge of prescribed medications (as some medications i.e. Ampicillin are irritating to the skin when excreted through waste) use of sterile water and gauze opposed to chemically treated baby wipes.
O Decrease occurrence of skin breakdown and infection reduce patient pain levels and improve overall patient outcomes.
Determine how the research question could guide the nurses search of the literature to address the issue to implement a change in practice.
According to Yensen (2013) once students or researchers have formulated a well-structured question they are in a better position to search the literature f or sources and evidence in which to ground and support their original PICO question. (McKeon & McKeon 2015 p. 1). In this instance the PICO format allows the research participants to clearly identify skin breakdown as the issue of concern. Furthermore recognizing the possible causes of skin breakdown enables research on those causes including alternatives and interventions. Finally understanding desired outcomes affords researchers the ability to test theories and monitor results for success.
Explain the benefits to interprofessional research collaboration to improve patient health outcomes.
The writer believes collaborative research is vital to the successful collection of information and implementation of changes to current practice.


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How can the dimensions of diversity, such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion affect individual or collective healthcare needs and capabilities? Women and Healthcare

How can the dimensions of diversity, such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion affect individual or collective healthcare needs and capabilities?
Women and Healthcare

Women have healthcare requirements in addition to those of men because of their biology and gender roles. Due to their gender roles, they are frequently responsible for the health and healthcare of others. The resources they need to care for others may create constraints on their ability to care for themselves.

Also, it is important to consider the workplace when considering women’s health issues because the position of women in the workforce has great impact on the healthcare they receive. Many businesses have recognized the need to create a more diverse workforce by selective hiring based on the need to increase selected groups in their workforce. Some businesses have been more proactive than others. For example, let’s consider that a business workforce’s diversity plan includes the following benchmarks:

Maintain women’s representation at a minimum of 60 percent.
Increase women’s representation in nontraditional occupations from 16 percent to 20 percent.
Increase women’s representation in senior positions (grade twelve and above or equivalent) from 28 percent to 35 percent.
On the basis of what you have learned so far, answer the following questions:

How can the dimensions of diversity, such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion affect individual or collective healthcare needs and capabilities?
Could the above statements constitute discriminatory hiring practices? Why or why not?
What would the implications of diversity-based policy development be in relation to healthcare needs?
Describe a workforce diversity plan using at least three dimensions of diversity. Additionally, explain how it relates to improved health-service delivery.


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Describe how these statistics impact the organization’s budget and reimbursement opportunities in the future. Be sure to include how Medicare reimbursement will be impacted.

Describe how these statistics impact the organization’s budget and reimbursement opportunities in the future. Be sure to include how Medicare reimbursement will be impacted.

Key Assignment Final Paper – Report of Findings to Mr. Magone, CEO, Healing Hands Hospital and the “Future of Healing Hands” Task Force

Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment.

There are two parts to this assignment:

Part 1:

Using your instructor’s and peers’ feedback and suggestions from Week 4, complete your final draft of the Key Assignment, Report to the Future of Healing Hands Task Force. Add the following analysis to complete your paper from Week 4 and then submit the entire paper including the analysis for this assignment:

Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital understand the importance of evaluating operational performance in the healthcare industry and its impact not only on patient satisfaction but also maintaining sound financial management. This is increasingly important in the era of value-based care including Medicare’s Quality Payment Program. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data related to patient care is needed. This data includes average length of stay, readmission rates, mortality rates and compliance with standard of care guidelines.
In addition, Healing Hands Hospital is preparing financially for the many different reimbursement changes associated with Medicare Advantage Plans and the need to demonstrate improved quality of care delivered to the hospital’s patients. As part of the Task Force you have been asked to research and analyze data regarding 1) length of stay and 2) hospital acquired infections and the impact of both metrics on the hospital budget and reimbursement. As reimbursement payments become increasingly linked to quality of care, it is important for Healing Hands Hospital to continue to improve in these areas. You have been asked to help the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Nursing Officer evaluate these aspects of patient care as part of your report to Mr. Magone and the Task Force. Submit a 7-10 page paper incorporating your unit 1-4 Individual Project topics including the analysis of how Healing Hands Hospital compares to other hospitals in the nation, state and region in:


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In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint.

In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint.

Describe the organization and the basic health care services it provides.
Choose a specific health care organization that has been in existence since the 1980s (e.g., a for-profit hospital by name; nonprofit hospital by name; governmental clinic; military or VA health care facility by name; private health care clinic by name; ambulatory surgery center by name; diagnostic imaging center by name; nursing home by name; assisted living facility by name). Describe the organization and the basic health care services it provides.

Part 2

Analyze how this organization has changed since the 1980s as a result of economic and political forces (i.e., ethical and legal). You should identify a minimum of 3 significant changes from the 1980s to today that should include considerations for technology, personnel and professionals involved, patient demographics, supply and demand imbalance, and so on.

Part 3

In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint. Then, proffer the influence of these changes on the U.S. health system overall (negative and positive).

Your paper should be 2 3 pages excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page (common assessment). Be sure to support your work with at least 3 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources


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